Motivational Letter

Motivational Letter

Most Cherish Participants;

My name is Nil Hamavioğlu and I, as the Secretary-General of Nesibe Aydin Model United Nations 2020 (NAMUN’ 20), am beholden to welcome every one of you on the 9th annual session but the 1st online session of NAMUN on the side of our Academic and Organization Team. NAMUN’ 20 Academic and Organization Team which both worked hard to fulfill everyone’s desire, are more than gratified to welcome you all!

NAMUN’s team put their enthusiasm to everything that they accomplished in order to achieve their aim which was to contend with everyone not only in online sessions of NAMUN but also in a social way by trying to make NAMUN’ 20 unforgettable. Furthermore, tried to interconnect everything that they generated before the conference with all of you. NAMUN has anything for everyone from beginner, intermediate, advanced committees to fun and engaging socials and long-lasting memories plus friends.

This year, NAMUN has 6 committees which are: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Olympic Committee (IOC), United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development (UNCSTD), The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and last but not least our historical crisis committee Russian Revolution 1917 (RUSREV 17’) and which mostly will be focusing on solving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) except RUSREV 17’.

As a conclusion, I would like to welcome all of you to NAMUN’ 20 and also I believe that NAMUN’ 20 will be a remarkable memory for all of us. You will enhance your academic skills which are debating, making research, being able to formally represent the perspective of a country, and also your self-esteem and friendships. I can attest to you that we as a team are making our best to unite all of us in joining the world’s heartbeat.

Best Regards,
Secretary-General of NAMUN’ 20
Nil Hamavioğlu

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